Thursday, July 16


Baseball season is over for now. My son played wonderfully. He caught a fly ball in right field and bunted his way to first base...would've made it home had that batters ball not been caught. We're so proud of him for sticking with it and keeping his chin up. The All Stars competitions would've taken them to State but with this deciding game they lost and the other team will go. A little sad to see it over but ready to rest up for the next big event. Camping now too. We can get out of town and enjoy the wide open spaces of Oregon. Big Lake....East Lake....Rogue River...Gold Beach. Haven't decided yet but will be headed out soon.

Still knitting away stitch by stitch on my sweater. I know now that it will definitely not fit me and maybe not even my daughter. Truly sad. But I'll keep positive and plan it for her. Maybe she'll let me make a matching one. You'll see a picture when I'm finished.

U-pick peaches are calling my name. Had planned to can some but the summer is getting away from me. I'd have to do so quickly..not certain how long the peach season is. But mm mm just the thought of home canned peaches is mouth-watering.

Here's a thought from me to you...
'A true artist isn't afraid of failures or embarrassments but rather takes the moment in stride and laughs up the folly.'; writing this from my heart! Nothing on this earth is so terrible that we cannot chuck it up as experience and give it all in hope to God.


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