Monday, October 4

Sock are done

I finally finished the pair of socks I was knitting for myself. You think it'll be a quick project and then life starts throwing things at you. For some reason everything keeps going wrong. A pipe breaks, the truck needs new tires, kids aren't 'getting their way'.
I need a really cold and rainy few days so I can sit cozy in the house and work on my projects. But I did finish the socks and have worn them around the house.
Started now on a cowl neck wrap. Pretty cool idea I'd say. Not mine but still ingenious. I hope the yarn I chose will do the pattern justice. I'm a cheap skate and will try other cheaper yarns rather than order the one specified in the pattern. Guess it's called supporting the local yarn shops.
My husband is off hunting for a week. I am home to deal with all that accompanies the life of a teen and a soon to be teen. I don't mind entirely. I enjoy the quiet me time...though I'm rapidly loosing sleep with all my late nights...and I enjoy that parent child bonding time. I love my kids. They are God given and I do my best with them for Him.
Football games, a dentist appointment and homework are my near future. But for now, I'll sit here at the computer with my kitten asleep on my lap, warm my feet by the heater. It's was a nice fall day. I know God kept us safe and together and close.
Goodnight until later!

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