Wednesday, September 7

New Seasons

Wow it's been like forever since I've written anything here.  I still journal nearly everyday but in all honesty when my fingertips hit the keys my mind starts running crazy and I just can't get words to flow straight from my mind.  Guess it's the perfectionist in me.  Wanting this to be perfect and wonderful and well accepted.  But the truth is I don't write here expecting anyone to read it so there's no need pretending.  It feels so good to just be me.

My son is back in school today.  Start of his Senior year.  Just gotta say for you younger folks with small people in you're household, when someone says cherish every day and every moment, do listen to them.  It does fly by.  But in a good way.  I don't regret the time passing because each new season has brought me a new level of relationship with my kids.  I wrote in a baby shower card that a moms job is the best.  You get to love the baby, play with the kids, adventure with the teens and gain a friend in the young adults.  Group response was "well maybe not the teens."  Oh please don't go there.  Give yourself and your kids more credit than that.  Yeah you're going to clash a lot but love is so much stronger than any growth curve.  Love every moment.

I've been reading through the book of Acts.  Just a chapter a day.  Finding the authors words a refreshing reality.  It's an understandable depiction of how the days following Christ returning to heaven went.  How the disciples felt and dealt with people of that day.  All the questions and ignorance.  So thankful for all they went through and that they stayed true to God not only for the Bible but for me.  I've learned more in my years (lol, I'm only 42 :) that there's so much more meaning to how we live than just the day to day.  Just think on that for awhile.  It's a big thought.

Fall is just a couple weeks away.  Pumpkin Spice latte's are back, Halloween and fall decorations fill the stores and I smell cinnamon spice pinecones before I even enter several stores.  All these traditions. Now is the time to work hard at not getting caught up in all the advertisements and publicity for the holidays.  Practice makes perfect.  I've been practicing for several years now.  Haha. But really those gimmicks to get you to buy telling you decorations make the season.  Oh dear.  Right now my mind is clear and not brain-washed; so here I go plunging into the season with head held high above the expensive distractions.  There are so many ways to surround yourself with the season without spending a ton of money.  Here are some of my ideas from past experience and present sights.

  • Decorate with what your neighborhood farmer throws out.  
  • Harvested corn stalks.  
  • Hay bales from the feed store.  
  • Colorful fall leaves you (and the kids) collect in the park.  
  • Did you know Indian corn lasts from year to year?  
  • There are some beautiful fall flowers on sale right now too.  
  • Oh and back to the fall leaves...take a drive into the country and collect a few colorful branches for a center piece or to lean but the front door.  
  • Put pumpkins everywhere.  All colors, sizes and textures.  And they last longer if you paint or draw on them leaving them whole.

Yeah it takes more time to make and create than just grabbing something pre-made at the store but you will feel the season so much more when you take the time to do it yourself.  Add your touch.  And the whole reason for my outlook on seasons and life is to slow down enough to really make a memory you can remember and not just taking another picture on your phone.

It's been so fun having a booth at the Pacific City Farmers Market these past two summers.  Not sure if I'll do it again next year or not.  I've met some wonderful people and have some return customers.  But maybe its time to change it up a bit.  I'd like to grow a little and take the next step in my list towards opening my own small business.  Just got to pin down what that next step actually is.  I've come to the conclusion that I believe God wants me helping people through creativity and nature and I love this opportunity.  Still fine-tuning it and waiting on God's prompting.  It's gradually coming together.  He's getting me to slow down enough to hear Him.  So important to hear Him!

So what does my business dream look like?   I want people to know that life doesn't have to be so overwhelming.  Finding the perfect fix for your ailments is the big deal these days.  But I believe that if people just slowed down and returned to the roots of human nature they'd find a lot of their ailments and stresses would just dissipate naturally with little effort.  So here I am putting together a plan to present calm to struggling individuals just as I've found in my own mis-happened experiences.  I've learned from experience only after a couple break downs, captivity in anxiety, physical weirdnesses and depression take-overs shut me down from really living.  Sounds dramatic I know but why would I want to hold onto such drama just for it to return over and over again.  I know that everyone deals differently...I'm still learning and experimenting myself.  I'm stepping out here looking for opportunities to show people how to slow down and see through new eyes so they can make their own discoveries.  Don't give up is on the way.

Reality check...being a housewife and mom doesn't mean I get to sit around all day journaling and sharing my dreams.  Each day brings a list of chores and to-do's so here is when I say bye for now until next time.  Thanks for joining me through my thought patterns and daily life happenings.  Have a great day!