The weather is a parable with the daily cloud cover, grey and dismal; dreary, continuous rainfall. We are fine emotionally to start with, it's exciting and scary all at once. But then we get sucked lower and lower as it never ends. It becomes the norm and we focus only on our immediate moments. Then a patch of blue opens. Individual clouds appear forming fluffy white billows along with the dark greys. And the it's radiance glints orange and warm-yellows on the mountains, clouds and on yourself. There you think, "I knew it would return!...Just didn't know when." It's a relief. A burden removed. Uplifting your spirits.
Tis so with Jesus lifting our sorrow, pain and the doldrums of this life. We bear it awhile struggling...getting lower. Then Jesus steps in and reminds us we can deal because He is there too. He is always close even when the clouds make Him seem so far away. But that reviving feeling whether from seeing the sunshine or the Sonshine is absolutely invigorating. We can survive because of Him!
Tis so with Jesus lifting our sorrow, pain and the doldrums of this life. We bear it awhile struggling...getting lower. Then Jesus steps in and reminds us we can deal because He is there too. He is always close even when the clouds make Him seem so far away. But that reviving feeling whether from seeing the sunshine or the Sonshine is absolutely invigorating. We can survive because of Him!