Thursday, January 26


The weather is a parable with the daily cloud cover, grey and dismal; dreary, continuous rainfall. We are fine emotionally to start with, it's exciting and scary all at once.  But then we get sucked lower and lower as it never ends.  It becomes the norm and we focus only on our immediate moments. Then a patch of blue opens.  Individual clouds appear forming fluffy white billows along with the dark greys.  And the it's radiance glints orange and warm-yellows on the mountains, clouds and on yourself.  There you think, "I knew it would return!...Just didn't know when."  It's a relief.  A burden removed.  Uplifting your spirits.
Tis so with Jesus lifting our sorrow, pain and the doldrums of this life.  We bear it awhile struggling...getting lower. Then Jesus steps in and reminds us we can deal because He is there too.  He is always close even when the clouds make Him seem so far away.  But that reviving feeling whether from seeing the sunshine or the Sonshine is absolutely invigorating.  We can survive because of Him!

Wednesday, January 11

Raccoon Hat

I was inspired to make a gift for my friends little guy. His imagination is I dramatic and I could see him rushing about in a different imaginary world with this new gift.

A hat. A raccoon hat! One for winter to keep his ears warm. One that could be secured with a knot. Realistic. Fit for a two year old.

So after browsing pictures of raccoons and hats and raccoon hats and refiguring my adult hat pattern I finally accomplished what my mind inspired.
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Humility and Last Place

My experience today was while driving the kids to school. Where the lanes merge together becomes a speedway and hotspot for road rage. I was inspired to take the right lane knowing I would need to merge over soon. And yes as the lanes came together car after car rushed by me and I had to slow down to enter last in line. A good lesson in patience and humility for me. But hopefully an example for those rushing by me. Maybe they saw someone not fighting to be first.

So I've decided taking the merging lane option is ok now and again to slow myself down, get my dose of humility and share my deed of service. And when in the fast lane I can let others ahead of me. Do a good deed and someone will see it. Pray that they will be inspired and pass it along!

Thank you Lord! You are inspiring! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

You are my Confidence

I've decided that my family tends to question my abilities and decisions and capabilities (such as in driving or organizing) but on the other hand are helpless without me. So maybe when they judge me or challenge me they are questioning themselves and need to use me to learn. I need to stay strong, firm and gentle! Kindly stay assured and let them see my confidence is YOU! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop