Monday, June 7

Blah Weather

This weather is so blah! I need sunshine to warm the ground and invite me out to tan. I hear Vitamin D is really good for you!

Graduations this past weekend! So proud of my younger friends. What an accomplishment. They should all know that this is where God wants them to's where he has them in time and they should be proud of that and look to Him for what's next. I can learn from this. Even though that time of my life is past I'm constantly graduating through new levels in life. It really never ends. And it feels good so don't hold yourself back from growing. Learn and and learn. It's all wonderful!

School is ending for the year. What to do through the summer months?! Baseball...camping...
knitting! I woke this morning feeling the need to go backpacking. I really need the wilderness!
I haven't had my fix for months!

Take a new step today!

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